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Adventures in Orbiter


TTM24 - Endeavour Delivers a PTM
Author: John Wilson

Launch the Space Shuttle Endeavour and rendezvou with the Earth Orbit Space Station (EOSS). Once at Earth Station deliver the Passenger Transport Module (PTM)....

DeltaGlider II joins Helios for a flight to the Moon
Michelle Megan

After planning for this day for some time now the G-SNDO is fueled up and the hatch closes. The countdown approaches 0 and the engines come to life....>>

Mining the Moon - Pt I | Mining the Moon - Pt II
Author: David Organ ( Staiduk )

It all started early on the 23rd; when I checked out and signed off on the Whistling Weasle (that's what I call DGIII #38; SP-11076; 'cause her aft RCS have a particular shrill sound when fired); .....

Mining the Moon - Pt III | Mining the Moon - Pt IV
Author: David Organ ( Staiduk )

I was hoping to get some quality relaxation in; spending a little time in the rec center and in general getting friendly with open air again - but that ain't gonna happen;

Mining the Moon - Pt V | Mining the Moon - Pt VI
Author: David Organ ( Staiduk )

After dropping the three Bonded Couriers off at Heinlein and seeing them safely unsuited; I headed in to the central hub to find a billet for the night. There are hostels; as well as pilots' quarters

Mining the Moon - Pt VII
Author: David Organ ( Staiduk )

Oh well - this isn't anything new to a prospector; but it is depressing. By this time; I'd been away from Heinlein for a week.

First Command
Author: Eugene Harm

Since the beginning of this assignment you were under the belief that the Helios was on an exploratory mission of Neptune's rings.





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