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New Eagle

Author: Jorge Iglesias (Hispaorbiter)
Type: Space Ships
Size: 1584kb

File Description:
This is the spacecraft Eagle from the TV show Space:1999. Jorge got the meshes from Frying Tyger and the modules meshes from Kevin ( kev33 ).

There have been several versions of the Eagle available for download. And it's even a bit confusing which one is which. Actually if I'm not mistaken it's all been the same one batted back and forth between a joint development effort. But be warned some of the versions were given new yet different names. I'm reviewing the New Eagle which I believe is the end result of the first series of development ventures. In saying that I'm hinting to the fact that there may be yet an EagleII. With all that said I hope to have leveled the playing field and you are now just as confused as I am.

Really though what all this amounts to is many talents coming together to produce a really incredible space ship. And all of this working together in our favor to put forth a ship in the likeness of the Eagle from the TV series Space:1999. What can I say. If you are a fan of this show and dreamt of this ship for Orbiter, well here it is. The Eagle in all of its glory. I know the expectations on this one will be high, but I can tell you that you won't be disappointed.

The New Eagle add-on comes in several flavors. You get four different module for the Eagle.

STANDARD - Original from Frying Tiger
CARGO    - Cargo module
MEDICAL  - Medical module
LAB      - Laboratory module

In future development look for all these modules will be semi-independent spacecraft to be attached to the Eagle with a capture system. Then you could leave a module and get another one.

I didn't know about the modules until I downloaded the New Eagle. What a treat is was when the scenario loaded with each one on it's own pad. I'm absolutely delighted with each and every one of them. There is an interior view from the cockpit but there is no instrument panels as of yet. You may seat yourself in the pilot or copilot position.

The flight characteristics are excellent. Handling and performance from the New Eagle, or should I say Eagles, is all you would expect. You will certainly enjoy lifting this one off the pad to make you way out to an orbiting station. And likewise setting the Eagle down on Moon Base Alpha is just as thrilling if not more.

Install the Moon Base Alpha add-on. You won't want one without the other.

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