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Intermediate ISS Files

Filename: New ISS file set (1-6) 
Author: David Hopkins
spacecraft and stations
Size: 1117K

File Description:
New versions of hi-res ISS files for Orbiter release 021202. This is the first file in a series of intermediate stages of the ISS during construction.

If you want to have ISS with what's currently configured in orbit then get David Hopkins set of six Intermediate ISS files. Daves files are high res and are beautifully rendered. Dave's ISS files do not overwrite the default ISS, so I use them all.

These files are very impressive and will certainly add to your overall Orbiter Sim enjoyment. I have been waiting for such add-ons since I discovered this great program and I am not disappointed. Although for the fully assembled ISS a still prefer Project Alpha. No problem, I just use them all.

To Install:
Simply unzip into your Orbiter directory with the 'Use folder names' option. These add-ons have the Orbiter folders built in so all the components end up in the right places.

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