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Millenium Falcon

Website:, all the Addons
Author: Kyle Wieger
Type: Space Ships
Size: 89kb

File Description:
Star Wars ship the Millenium Falcon.


Millenium falcon was my favorite ship from the original star wars movie. So for me to find one available for Orbiter was to my delight. As soon as I took this one out for a ride I fell in love with her. Although there is no texture added to the falcon it is a beautiful model to look at. If fact the more I looked at this model the more I was impressed in how nicely done it was. We have to thank the creators brother for talking him into building this one for Orbiter.

After undocking from the ISS I took it out for a short spin and brought it back in to redock. This is a little bit of a challenge in that its docking port is on its side. No problem just had to do some three dimensional thinking and soon I was hard docked again. Attitude thruster are well placed making this ship extremely maneuverable. Millenium Falcon2 model is upgraded from Kyles previous Millenium Falcon. The ship now is defaulted at a much higher fuel effiency, and also has attitude thrusters. This totally satisfies my only disappointment with the orginal model flight characteristics.

As a futuristic Star Wars ship you may want to give the Falcon some unrealsitic punch for fun. This is easily done by tweaking the config file main and retro engine specs. The trick is you want to have enough power to make quick flights to other planets yet not to overpowered it for surface flight. This then makes the falcon the perfect ship for interplanetary flight. No need to enter orbit first you can fly this ship right on in and land at a surface base and refuel. The key here is not to aerobrake but lower your velocity way down as you come in.

Now with all this power there is nothing like lifting off the earths surface and screeching out of the atmosphere. Looking behind you can watch the blue marble shrink into space as you make your way to other worlds.

To have a more powerful ship simple edit the MilleniumF.cfg file in the Config folder. Change these lines to the following;

Isp =  1e9       ; fuel specific impulse [m/s] default 1e6

; === Engine parameters ===
; default MaxMainThrust = 9.6e5
; default MaxRetroThrust = 7e5
MaxMainThrust = 4.4e8
MaxRetroThrust = 2.5e8
MaxHoverThrust = 10e5 ; default 5e5

As you can see I left the default values in the comments

Note: I do this to Kyles orginal Falcon only, just for fun. On his lastest MilleniumF2 I leave as designed. The MilleniumF2 is an ideal ship for flying 1Gee constant velocity fights.

Related Links, ( all the Addons )
AIBS Orbiter Fan Site (station builder)
Radu's Page (mesh converter)


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