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Filename: Dragonfly
Author: Radu Poenaru
Type: Space Ships
Size: 667kb

File Description:
Dragonfly's primary mission is space components retrieval and handling, which will necessitate a large amount of docking operations. It is uniquily desinged as a space tug to build space stations. A large part of Dragonfly's systems, therefore, have been designed as to facilitate and automate docking operations.

The Dragonfly offers all the realism one could ask for in a space vessel tasked with station building. The panels are where all the fun begins. They all look intimidating at first but this is where the challenge lies. Getting familiar with this craft and become a first class station builder.

The Dragonfly is not capable of surface flight and must be launched into orbit to be used. Therefore before stepping into the Dragonfly you should already be proficient in docking maneuvers. The main systems of the Dragonfly are listed below. To operate the Dragonfly these systems must be up and running.

I list the Dragonfly as an add-on because the default Dragonfly requires this add-on patch to operate correctly. Radu Poenaru, the author of this add-on is of course the one who developed the original Dragonfly which comes packaged with the Orbiter download. So you can count on this being a trustworthy add-on.

The Dragonfly Operators Manual is very technical, but is a lot of fun and not that lengthy. Below I include my own "Quick Start Guide" so you can jump right in and start enjoying this wonderful craft. However, eventually you will want to soak in the full Ops manual for the Dragonfly included with the 0937 download.

Dragonfly Quick Start Guide

These are the main systems to Dragonfly:

Electrical Power System ( EPS )

    Power reactants storage and distribution ( PRSD )
    Fuel cells ( 2 ) + Battery ( 1 )
    Electrical power distribution and control ( EPDC )

Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS)

    Pressure control system
    Atmospheric revitalization system
    Active thermal control system

Radar and Docking Systems

    Vicinity awareness system (VAWS)
    Doppler range and range-rate antennas


To power up the Dragonfly:

  • Fuel Cell Flow
    FC1 START - Open the Dragonfly Operations Handbook to the EPS Procedures & Checklist (page 8). Jump on down to part B. FC1 START. FC1 is the fuel cell flow. Now simple run down the checklist and toggle the switches on the panel. The hard part is locating the proper label for each switch.
  • Power up Battery
    DC1 START - Next jump to part C. DC1 START. DC1 for Direct current bus 1. Run through this checklist (page 9).

That's it. Communications, Radar/Docking systems and Reaction Control Systems should all be functioning now.

To the right of the Docking MFD is the Vessel and Port buttons. Press these buttons to flip through the available vessels and their ports. This will allow you to use the Docking MFD to dock or undock from a selected port. Useful when you already have a station module docked to Dragonfly, you can then select its port to dock with the next.

The easiest means to select NAV receiver frequency is to use visual mode, shift [ V ]. Just make sure you have the undocked port selected.

The radar gives you top down and side to side views. The simplist thing to do is just compare with external views until you get used to this display.


Related Links, ( all the Addons )
AIBS Orbiter Fan Site (station builder)
Radu's Page (mesh converter)

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